

Page history last edited by Gabriel Bodard 3 months, 2 weeks ago

London EpiDoc Documentation


This wiki is a temporary home and editing platform for the London projects' (InsAph, IRCyr, IRT, IOSPE) use of EpiDoc XML.


IOSPE guidelines:


IOSPE External Apparatus


IOSPE Header Data


IOSPE multi-part inscriptions


WordTagging (i.e. tokenization rules)


IRCyr and IGCyr Guidelines


IRCyr Findplace tagging


IRCyr Metadata tagging (header)


IRCyr Metadata (indexing features)


WordTagging (i.e. tokenization rules)


IRCyr Places in metadata


Tagging of places in text (tba)


PersName Types


Old Pages (IAph and IRT handbooks, now obsolete)


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